molecular neuropharmacology
Undergraduate research: We have had a large number of undergraduates do honors research as part of majors in Neurobiology, Biology, and Biochemistry, as well as postbac's testing the water before applying to medical or graduate school. Undergrads typically begin in the summer after sophomore year. Summer work is funded; term work is paid or for credit. Contact Dr. Cooper.
Predoctoral positions: All acceptances are via the BCM neuroscience , Molecular and Human Genetics, or the Medical Scientist Training programs, and not via individual labs. Applications are reviewed by committee and students enter the thesis lab in the second year of the program after rotating through several labs. Please direct admissions inquires to the PhD program and not to the Lab.
Postdoctoral positions are currently available for highly motivated individuals with relevant productive predoc experience, and interest in our research theme. Interested individuals please contact Ed Cooper with an email cover letter and attached c.v. including potential referees.
For a list of all open positions at the college, please check out BCM's jobs page,